The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation finds the relationship between nonprofits and volunteers inspiring. In an effort to connect our nonprofit partners with programs and opportunities that promote and support volunteerism, the Foundation partnered with the Corporation for National & Community Service to host an information session about the AmeriCorps VISTA and Senior RSVP Programs.
Representatives from 20 Deutsch Foundation nonprofit partners, including past Halo Award winners, attended the session. Danette Martin, Program Officer at the Corporation’s California State Office, shared the history of the programs, explained the application processes, and highlighted the impact of mobilizing volunteers to support organization capacity & growth.
Attendees also heard from Eric Hubbard, Director of Development at Jovenes, Inc., who is in year 2 of a 3-year grant from the AmeriCorps VISTA program. He spoke about how support from VISTA volunteers has been instrumental in reaching organizational goals and pushing their efforts to the next level. With him was Kalsee Viano, VISTA member, who recently began her year of service at Jovenes, Inc. in the Development Department. Kalsee shared her motivation for moving from the for-profit to the nonprofit sector to work with an organization that serves at-risk communities and youth in Los Angeles. Eric and Kalsee explained how the VISTA program is mutually beneficial and transformative for both the volunteers and organizations involved.
Eric Hubbard, Jovenes, Inc. & Kalsee Viano, VISTA Member
For more information regarding the volunteer programs offered by the Corporation for National & Community Service, please visit the Resources page on the HALO Award website. From there you can access information about individual programs, application instructions and deadlines, and Danette Martin’s presentation from the session.