"The development of a more professionalized volunteer management function has changed the scope of what others in the organization expect from the volunteer program. Across departments, people 'think bigger' about what can be achieved."
- Cohort 7 Participant
Purpose & Design
The HALO Award is a capacity building program designed to strengthen and sustain nonprofit organizations by supporting volunteer programs and recognizing and rewarding volunteers doing exemplary work in their communities. Selected organizations receive a one-time HALO Award grant, which includes:
Capacity building support designed to build or enhance organizational capacity around volunteerism. Support includes 4 all-day peer learning sessions, involving guided activities and discussions, and 4 one-on-one coaching sessions, supporting the development and implementation of a Volunteer Management Plan;
A $20,000 grant for the nonprofit to strengthen, implement, and sustain the efforts of its volunteer program. This grant acknowledges a clear and thoughtfully written strategy to build the capacity and sustainability of the volunteer program (e.g., increased outreach, improved systems, retention methods, volunteer mentors, volunteer coordinator, etc.). Deliverables include interim & final reports and a volunteer management plan; and
A $5,000 award for the volunteer, distributed by the nominating nonprofit organization. This award honors outstanding volunteers, with the funds used at the discretion of the volunteers.
Review Process
A Selection Committee, comprised of nonprofit and foundation leaders, selects the recipients of the award.
Strong applications articulate:
• A strategic, detailed vision for building the capacity of your organization by improving and sustaining volunteer program efforts; and
• Institutionalization of volunteer management in your organization’s operations and strategic plans;
• A commitment to serving low-income, disproportionately impacted communities of color and to anti-racism strategies;
• Reimagined ways to engage, manage, and honor volunteers; and
• A commitment to learning by participating in the program’s capacity building sessions and assessments.
We expect that every applicant organization has an extraordinary volunteer to nominate, so specifically highlighting how the volunteer has impacted the organization strengthens your application.