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The Giving Spirit

Volunteer: Stacy Kruse

The Giving Spirit

Volunteer: Stacy Kruse

The Giving Spirit provides direct tangible aid and educates communities on how workable solutions informed by direct community engagement, powerful data, and our common humanity can alleviate and ultimately end homelessness leading the “first mile” of service to our unhoused.


Stacy Kruse first became involved with The Giving Spirit during the onset of COVID-19 in the early Summer of 2020. She showed up time and time again to not only staff and help engineer the process of building life-sustaining kits, but tirelessly worked multiple line shifts to build them. Since 2020, she continued to take on more roles. While Stacy has not been homeless, she has had life experiences similar to what many unhoused women face, having had to face domestic abuse with two young children and subsequently create a safe haven for her children. Stacy draws upon her background in education and her own life experience in her capacity as The Giving Spirit’s Chair of the Education and Community Awareness Committee as well as in the development of The Giving Spirit’s educational coursework pilot. This beta pilot seeks to give its audience a deep, 360-degree Learning Experience into what causes someone to resort to the streets as their refuge, their “home," our unhoused neighbors' circumstances become relatable and powerfully replace damning stereotypes and fear with truth and fact-based learning. Stacy truly embodies The Giving Spirit and her contributions help advance The Giving Spirit's mission of care and engagement and moving closer to long-term solutions to homelessness.

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