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Luis Vasquez

Co-Founder and Managing Director, Rainbow Labs 

2022 HALO Award Recipient  |  2023 HALO Award Selection Committee

As a native Angeleno, Luis prioritizes serving, uplifting, and inspiring his community members to build a better Los Angeles. Born and raised in East Los Angeles, he has worked with incredible leaders, community members, and youth to ensure access and equity to basic needs. He now knows access and equity are critical to being a first-generation American. Growing up Salvadorian in East Los Angeles, he faced many challenges, from socio-economic hardships, being a translator to most of my family members, growing up in a challenging neighborhood, and not feeling safe enough to express different identities. After leaving the Navy, he transitioned many new skills to the nonprofit space. Through his various roles, he offered individual and group programs that supported effective communication practices for young adults and fostered relationships with families, stakeholders, and local agencies. Mentoring has been a pillar in his career, offering general support to mainly brown, black, indigenous, and marginalized populations. As a Veteran Latino leader, he has experience serving on boards and serving the needs of others. It is essential to have diversity in leadership roles across different industries. The culmination of his personal experiences and professional life finally intersects with his interest of serving on a City Commission and Board, as he continues his philosophy of prioritizing serving, uplifting, and inspiring his community to build a better Los Angeles.

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